app juni 10, 2023 Import from gallery On Android there are some hurdles to import images from gallery. Here are steps that… Admin Love0
appstand juni 8, 2023 New, New, New New BeeStand, New App, New Speed After almost a years efforts we are thrilled to… Admin Love0
app juni 7, 2023 Up and running! We are very happy! The problem was due to heavy traffic with huge demand for… Admin Love0
apperror juni 2, 2023 Hold on We just found a flaw in new version 4.0.5 for Android. Dont update just yet.… Admin Love0
app maj 31, 2023 New pricing Signing up for new or renewed plans will change soon. We have released version 4.0.5 on… Admin Love0
app maj 21, 2023 Breadcrumb explained The breadcrumb is shown on all screens and makes it easy to know where in… Admin Love0
app maj 21, 2023 Major update We are so happy to announce a major update. New features: Improved analysing speed and… Admin Love0
app april 27, 2023 Patent public BeeScanning patent in USA is now public. This is a major milestone in protecting our… Admin Love0
app april 24, 2023 App map View app structure to get a feel under the hood as well as a hint… Admin Love0
app april 22, 2023 Campaign Helping beekeepers combat varroa and brood disorders. With new features, improved performance and easy to… Admin Love0