Innovation prize in memory of the inventor Alfred Nobel

The purpose of the award is to further develop and commercialize an innovative product or service. The solutions must clearly contribute to a well-defined challenge that has the potential to be scaled up and spread. The scholarship is awarded to one of those who previously, after 2017, has won SKAPA’s county award and/or has won the Stockholm City Innovation Scholarship.
Jury motivation:
”We live in a world where seemingly small and sometimes overlooked things can have a very large and decisive impact on both ecosystems and economies. Therefore, it is safe to meet people who work with passion, ingenuity and perseverance to ensure that small bundles do not topple large loads.
With the help of advanced technology, this year’s fellow has managed to create a solution that is so easy to use that it is enough to be equipped with a modern phone and an internet connection to ward off a serious threat to a crucial link in nature’s chain.
By combining innovation with a strong desire to scale up and accelerate their growth globally, they are now ready to help secure the future of one of our most important pollinators, namely bees.
The developed app helps beekeepers worldwide to detect and combat parasites, thereby protecting bees and our future.”